To improve system performance by deleting historical shipping data after a maximum of 90 days in the system. This data is not used for regulatory compliance.
UPS ShipExec Cloud implementations. Customers which host their own ShipExec environments are NOT affected.
Contact system owner via UPS Solutions Engagement Rep if you wish to keep data > 90 days.
Yes, if downloaded and archived on your own systems.
How much history data will ShipExec Cloud continue to hold after the data retention policy is implemented?
When is the deadline to back up my data?
Am I required to back up my data?
Will I lose Proof of Delivery data?
Is any critical data being removed?
How do I back up my data if I wish to keep it?
Will there be any reminders?
What options are available other than storing shipping information in ShipExec indefinitely
Can I begin removing data before November 1st?